Winsome Medical & Dental Center

We provide general primary and limited secondary medical care of paediatric, geriatric and adult patients.

We look after both acute (non-injury and injury) illnesses and chronic ailments as well.

We are inspired by the physicians of old to provide holistic medical and dental care based on a listening ear of your ailment followed by a thorough physical examination (relevant vital signs of the patient will be checked) .

Arriving at an accurate diagnosis is paramount. (For example, is the fever of viral or bacterial origin. This has implications on the medication required.)

We will explain our findings to you so that you can understand your ailment and actively participate in your journey to wellness again.

In this way, we provide a cost effective way of getting you well in as short a time as possible. Blood and urine tests will be kept to the necessary minimum.

We are guided by evidence based treatment so that medication such as antibiotics, will be used only when necessary.

There can consultations with expert databases so that we can recommend the most up to date treatment modalities. We will explain to you the rationale of your treatment modalities and medications. If necessary, drug interactions will be checked for if you are using multiple drugs.

With modern medication, most minor adult or paediatric emergencies can be treated in the comfort of a clinic setting.

After a brief downtime, you can rest at home without the need for costly hospitalisation.

本医生会通过简单的词语, 把病况讲解给病人听。 这是通过详细的检查和询问过程所得到的结论。我们也不会随意验血。老人,小孩,慢性,急性病况都行。 超过60岁有CPF Fleximedisave 的年长者, 不必付现款.

” ​Kami akan memberikan penjelasan terperinci mengenai penyakit anda selepas temuduga terperinci dan peperiksaan fizikal. Pesakit warga tua dan kanak-kanak, penyakit kronik atau akut boleh dilihat di sini. Pesakit selepas 65 tahun dan dengan CPF Fleximedisave mungkin tidak perlu membayar tunai